The ending of each year brings with it a new beginning. 2023 was a year marked by significant challenges and remarkable achievemen...
EGS - Happy Vietnamese Women's Day
On the occasion of Vietnamese women's day, We need to send our love to all ladies who have silently devoted themselves to making every moment in this life better.
On the occasion of Vietnamese women's day, We need to send our love to all ladies who have silently devoted themselves to making every moment in this life better.
20 October at EGS
With a well-prepared decoration from the night before, the office space seemed to be dressed in a new color - the color of bubbles and fresh flowers. Each beautiful little gift is carefully prepared and given to each lady with the best and most meaningful wishes. Surprised faces, bright smiles or warm applause made the atmosphere of the minor party busier than ever.
Members share memorable experiences.
It is also an opportunity for EGS to send greetings to "half of the world." We hope you have a life full of health and happiness and stay beautiful. Thank you for always being here with us to contribute to the development of EGS