Strictly controlled, products are constantly improved, Goodmaid Pro is confident in being the leading supplier of industrial cleaning chemicals with h...
GMP-340 EXTRA FOAM is chosen by many customers because of its cleaning activity, safety, and ease of use. The product has the ability to quickly foam,...
EGS exclusively distributes products of Goodmaid Pro in Vietnam, providing post-construction cleaning chemical solutions, helping to accelerate projec...
Until August 3, 2021, the Vietnamese Ministry of Health has censored and licensed eight Covid-19 vaccines, including AstraZeneca, Sputnik V, Sinopharm...
The 4th COVID-19 pandemic has been prolonged with complicated developments, causing many disturbances to the normal life rhythms of individuals, famil...
Facing the situation of acute respiratory infections caused by the new strain of Coronavirus (Covid-19), which is developing complicatedly. This is a...
Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) have been becoming necessity items which aim to protect people health as well as their live. In this document gi...
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